Driver's Name
Ontario driver's name. Always starts with last name followed by first name followed by middle name(s).
Last, first and middle names are separated by commas.
Licence No.
Reference No. or Driver's Licence No./
No de référence ou du permis de conduire... W1234-56789-01234
Always starts with the first letter of the driver's last name followed by 14 digits.
has a driver score of 99.77%
Your Driver Score is a number in the range from 0 to 100 percent. Higher driver scores are attributed to low-risk drivers.
MyDRV™ rating certificate will empower drivers to address their MyDRV™ Driver Score
to their prospective or existing employers, insurance companies, and other interested parties.
Higher driver scores increase your chances to qualify for a better job, pay raise, lower insurane premiums, and other benefits available to low-risk drivers.
Score Calculation
Various factors are taken into consideration while calculating the driver score.
The major factors are severity of offences, the time transpired after the offence, the amount of the fine.
- Factors:
- Severity
- Time
- Amount of Fine